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Recent Work
Blogs & Articles
- Addressing Cost-Related Medication Non-adherence with Digital Tools
- The Benefits of a Multimodal Approach to Patient Outreach
- The Automated Call Patients Want to Answer
Case Studies
- CipherHealth’s Outreach Solutions Reduce Hospital Readmissions by 56 Percent
- Improve Outcomes and Create Financial Value with CipherHealth
- The Impact of Purposeful Digital Rounding on One Inpatient Rehabilitation Center
- Increase Patient Engagement With Multiple Outreach Modalities
Infographics & One-sheets
- Roadblocks to Medication and How to Solve Them
- CipherHealth wins Best in KLAS for Patient Communications (Outreach) 2023
- The do’s and don’ts of patient portals
- Make the most of negative patient reviews
- The top 5 administrative tasks to automate
- Contact me for reports, workbooks, and other samples.